About Us

The Thought behind exedNOW

exedNOW is the platform that had one core central idea, the idea of growth, experience and learning. The three different sections represent the three pillars that we at Fulcrum-Push believe to be the pillars of a fulfilled life:

Growing our mindset and feeding our brain the thoughts and ideas that help us become who we are meant to be.

Experiencing what this world has to offer and see its immense beauty.


Moving all over the world, learning what all the countries have to offer be it arts or design.

Over 5000+ training sessions over a span of 15 years, we realized that there is a desire to engage with life beyond career aspiring education. One reason is that professional success & happiness while intertwined but professional success is not guarantee of happiness. So, there was need to be life & skills educated but not leading to necessarily for career choices. The fact these are free online courses play a great role in achieving what we set out to do. The second piece to this beautiful puzzle came from the personal experience of one of the core members themselves, as a young adult Kanishk always had that desire to travel, to see the world and learn new cultures.
Not under the controlled supervision of his family but with people of similar interests and profile. It was this burning desire for such opportunities that led Aman and Kanishk combine the idea of exploring life through travel. And finally, I met many youngsters who wanted to study abroad but thought that these educations are expensive, difficult to get through and only for technical degrees. That’s how exedNOW was born, a platform where one can Engage with life though online courses, eXplore life via bespoke tours and get right overseas Education guidance in case one likes to take path.


“Life is not a 100m dash but a marathon of three splits, the first finding yourself and the potential of growth, second experience its grandness and diversity, and last working to be the best you that you can imagine. The best part? There is no hurry for coming first or second doesn’t matter as long as you finish the right way with everything you got YOU ARE THE WINNER!

Aman & Kanishk (Father & Son Duo, Visioners of exedNOW)

Our Mission

The mission of exedNOW is to provide today’s generation to understand, celebrate and have exhilarating life altering experiences through free online education courses, traveling in an entirely innovative manner & coached for right global education.

About Fulcrum-Push

The parent company of exedNOW, owned by Aman Kaushik, Fulcrum-Push is an organization which is focused on people and help them bring out the best in themselves. Even with technology advancements and capital investments, if organization doesn`t have the best of people at their opportune place, nothing can set them apart from competitors. Also, the organizations with a thriving workforce culture tend to grow significantly faster than peers hence we help them create an environment where individuals endeavour to do their best. Our involvement with your corporations is not just limited to attract the best talent but to help retain, develop and grow them to their best ability.